
Preparation for employment is an integral part of what we do at Hailsham Community College. We aim to prepare our students to go on to further or higher education or skilled employment and enable them to make a significant contribution to society.

While qualifications remain very important, with few exceptions, they are no longer the only consideration. We recognise that employability or work-readiness is becoming more and more important when potential employers’ look for people to fill vacancies.

We do everything we can to ensure Hailsham Community College students develop these skills and attributes so that they get ahead in the workplace. We support students by:

• giving students individual careers advice
• enabling Year 10 and Sixth Form students to organise work experience placements
• hosting an annual careers fair
• helping students to write effective curriculum vitae and personal statements
• arranging mock interviews, business breakfasts and information stands throughout the year
• working with our Enterprise Advisor to involve local businesses in the school
• visits to local colleges, universities and work places
• building our Alumni network to support aspirations of our students
• ensuring careers is linked to curriculum areas
• ensuring students and parents have access to good quality labour market information to support their future study options and career choices.