The College has Six houses: Attenborough, Hawking, Luther King, Nightingale, Parks, Windsor.
Year Groups
At Hailsham Community College, we have a Year Group structure in place. From when they join us, students are supported by their Head of Year, who oversees their academic progress and conduct. Our Heads of Year are skilled and experienced teachers and will regularly run assemblies and events for students within their year group. In addition to this, students are supported by a non-teaching Assistant Head of Year. Our Assistant Heads of Year are a fantastic team of staff who provide support to students during lessons, run intervention sessions and deal with any concerns during the day to ensure our college climate and culture remains positive and purposeful.
Furthermore, all students are supported by their mentor. The mentor is the first port of call for students and families, as they see students every day during morning registration. Mentors will work with students to monitor their attendance, progress and conduct. In addition to supporting with assemblies, mentors also deliver activities during mentor time which focus on our values, safeguarding and other relevant topical affairs.
Our Year Group structure is new for 2023/24. Students wear a specific colour tie to identify the year group that they belong to, which helps to instil a sense of belonging. Students also have dedicated zones at break times, to help ensure social times feel calm and safe. Having a Year Group structure means that our staff can easily identify students and liaise with the relevant Year teams when needed, and supports our families as they know that there are key staff that they can contact should they require any advice or support.
Before our move to Year Groups, students were allocated one of six ‘Houses’ which were made up of students from all year groups. Currently, students are still attached to a House for competitions and PE related events and activities. Students are notified of the House that they are attached to on arrival at the college.