Rewards System

Hailsham Community College has clear expectations of learners, which are underpinned by our core values within Our Hailsham Way:


At Hailsham Community College, we believe that kindness should inform all our interactions, behaviours, and relationships. Our Hailsham Way and the principle of kindness are integral to our behaviour policy and the learner Code of Conduct. It requires our learners to respect and value each other and their learning; similarly, it is for the adults to model kindness and to teach it through modelling, interactions, and behaviours.  

Rewarding Positive Conduct  

Recognising and promoting Our Hailsham Way and Kindness is a key means of developing the potential of young people by giving encouragement and praise. Positive conduct is best promoted and developed by drawing attention to and rewarding the expectations we value. Positive guidance is also essential in upholding positive conduct among learners and fostering positive decision-making.  

We promote positive conduct and good choices using praise and our tiered rewards program. We achieve this by acknowledging and communicating Our Hailsham Way wherever learners show it.  Praise needs to be used appropriately, sincerely and linked to tangible examples of a learner’s strengths. All adults should consciously look to praise learners and celebrate successes regularly.

Hailsham Community College uses different methods to praise and to recognise positive conduct, such as, but not limited to: 

Learners can be rewarded at school:  

  • In lesson time by their subject teachers or supporting adult 
  • During mentor time by their Mentor 
  • Through their Head of Year or a Head of Department  
  • During social times  
  • During assembly  
  • During On Call when staff are visiting lessons  
  • Through participation in school events 
  • For exceptional achievements within our community 

Achievement Points 

When a student is given an achievement point, an immediate communication is sent to parents/carers via Class Charts. All achievement points contribute to our tiered rewards program. Throughout the year, our Standards Team will analyse the reward points that have been given to learners per staff member, department, and year group, to ensure rewards are allocated fairly and appropriately. The analysis will inform further actions, as necessary. 

Our Tiered Rewards Program: 

To receive a BRONZE Certificate of Achievement, a student must: 

  • Receive 100 achievement points through ‘Our Hailsham Way.’  
  • Their certificate will be signed by their mentor and presented to them during mentor time.  

To receive a SILVER Certificate of Achievement, a student must: 

  • Receive 250 achievement points through ‘Our Hailsham Way.’ 
  • Their certificate will be signed by their Head of Year and presented to them during their year group assembly.  

To receive a GOLD Certificate of Achievement, a student must: 

  • Receive 500 achievement points through ‘Our Hailsham Way.’ 
  • Their certificate will be signed by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and presented to them during an organised presentation.  

To receive a PLATINUM AWARD, a student must: 

  • Embody ‘Our Hailsham Way’ in all they do.   

Rewarding Kindness 

There will be designated times within our school calendar that will celebrate and recognise kindness. Kindness will be promoted through the Mentor & PSHE programme, and via assemblies with staff endorsing, recognising and praising acts of kindness. It will also be recognised in whole school events at the end of the year.